Journaling for Empaths

If you have found this blog, you were probably drawn in by the word “Empath” in the title. I know when I was going through many changes in my life and growing spiritually, I found my way into some empath groups but there really wasn’t much out there. Now, it seems, there are articles, blogs, Facebook groups, memes, Pinterest pages dedicated to this term. However and whatever reason you found me, welcome! I have been visiting family for almost a week and I have found myself feeling unbalanced and somewhat susceptible to anxiety attack or picking up others energy. When you are a sensitive person, the most important thing to do for yourself is to stay grounded. I know meditation and yoga are popular in promoting clearing your mind and staying calm but those two practices don’t work for everyone and they certainly don’t work when you aren’t in a space that your are use to being daily. I have written before about the many ways that you can stay grounded but I wanted to focus on the art of journaling. I have kept journals since I was very young, maybe 8 or 9 and now looking back, I believe this is how I stayed sane as a sensitive person. You see, clearing out your thoughts and putting them down on paper create space and flexiblility with interacting with other energy in your daily life. If you don’t clear your mind and “release” your own thoughts and experiences then when you get filled up you are prone to anxiety or “psychic” attacks. Journaling is a form of expression that allows you to be yourself without judgement and clear yourself regularly. It’s easy and it takes a matter of minutes. Let’s keep it simple and do only what you see fit for yourself. You don’t need a beautiful leather bound journal and an hour every morning to do so but then again if that is what works for you then go for it. For myself, I always take a notebook or journal with me and they are random thoughts or feelings that I put down on paper. When I came to visit family, I am overwhelmed by seeing everyone, running around, watching a lot of tv and movies, interacting with old friends and loving on pets. So, to someone who is less sensitive, it is no biggie but for me, if I haven’t been able to have alone time to write out my  thoughts then I start to not focus and be present in the moment. I also want time to hurry by because I’m not feeling myself, I get drained and honestly, it usually ends in me getting frustrated and crying. Crying because its a release of emotions for many empaths not because of being sad or angry. If you have “too many feelings” or seem to be overwhelmed with racing thoughts then try picking up a notebook and just writing. You can connect with your true self without anyone else judging what you are saying or being interrupted with opinions and input. You can have a creative output so that there will be more room for energetic input through out your day. This may be a daily ritual for you or maybe weekly depending on what other forms of release you have. For me, I work out daily so that is usually when I clear my head and I am also alone a lot throughout the day so I have time to think my own thoughts and not take on so many thoughts of others. When I travel, celebrate holidays or have a busy work week, I journal daily but most times I journal weekly. Did you ever think writing could help you to embrace your sensitivity? There is no cure for being sensitive and although sometimes it’s hard to accept as a gift, I can assure you that you aren’t a victim and it is not a curse. Try journaling for a couple of weeks and see how you feel and please share your journey here on The Clean Eating Empath.


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It’s Your Old Friend Anxiety


I was just on a walk after being in the house all day and my world started to open up. If you take walks or spend time in nature then you understand what I mean by your world opening. It’s a piece of your mind that opens up when you step away and let things go. I have been busy, all summer, although not technically “employed”, I am working on many projects at home. I really have no said worries in my life. If a person could live a day in my shoes they would think it was somewhat of a paradise. I don’t have to work right now, I am free to do as I please, I work out, make iced tea, go to the acupuncturist regularly, spend time in nature and with my cats, etc. I realized on my walk that I shouldn’t have anxiety. The funny thing about anxiety is that I have had it for so damn long that you think I would just welcome it, in some ways I have, and accept that I have it. I mean, resistance is persistence, am I right? If you have or have had anxiety in the past and for an extended period of time, it feels strange to not have it. If you read self help books, you understand this concept. When we look within ourselves we can see that the familiarity of our lives is what keeps us feeling safe even if it is bad. How many times have you wanted to move forward out of a situation but when you do it feels uncomfortable and scary. It can be as small as not watching reality tv and reading a book instead, going to the pool on a Saturday afternoon, not eating sugar before bedtime, not joining in on gossip, etc. Whatever it is, when you first do it, it feels so unusual that you might as well live how you have been living. I am certainly guilty of this way of life. It just feels comfortable to stay the same. Try being positive after living a life with a negative belief system and it will show you exactly what I am writing about today. The first few days may seem like you know what you are doing and you feel good about it but then negative thoughts creep in and it only takes one friendly reminder from your old belief system to send you right back where you were before you started on your new enlightened journey. It just feels strange and the people you have always known start to change but really they aren’t changing, you are. So, you feel out of place and unusual because you are use to seeing the glass as half empty or gossiping on your lunch hour or rolling your eyes at the slow driver in front of you. The same goes for anxiety. That MF’er is just a part of my life right now, has been for awhile. So when I don’t have a care in the world…I do. It’s like my mind doesn’t know what it’s like to not worry about the future. Trust me, it has gotten a lot better because I am aware of it and that is the first step. So, on my walk I wondered why am I so anxious. It is Friday, I don’t have to be anywhere, I am driving home to visit family but I keep searching my brain for stuff I should worry about in the future. It just takes training of your brain. It really does. I don’t know what it is like to be completely worry free. Happiness gives me anxiety basically. It’s actually comical but for right now, that is how it is. The old version of myself is waiting for the other shoe to drop. It got so bad that the other day I was telling my loved one how wonderful life is and how every season is a joy and there are blessings everywhere and a little voice inside me said “but you are getting old and one day all your older loved ones will be dead. You have wasted so much time. This may be the last summer you will see your grandparents. Things are always changing”. I mean, I know I am not the only one who has crazy thoughts pop up like that so that is why I am sharing. It’s like I have trained myself to not be happy. Like I said, time spent alone has made me aware and able to work through a lot of it by being aware but it happens all of the time. One Christmas I was enjoying myself and I had a thought pop up like Debbie Downer from SNL that said “Think of all the animals that are alone in the shelter on Christmas”. I mean, come on! So,  it really is a matter of shushing that little voice and canceling it out when you are wanting to enjoy life. I am allowed to be happy and have joyful moments in my life. The anxiety comes and goes but at least I know where to focus my attention. When I take a moment to slip away from my structured routine I can look around and realize everything is good, all is well, there is nothing to worry about and life does support me. Until you take the time for yourself to get in touch with your inner dialogue, your anxiety will continue to take over your life. If it is there, just welcome it and thank it then let it go because as annoying as it may be, it can be your friend teaching you something in the long run. None of us come out of this alive so don’t give up on yourself in the dream of having the life you have always wanted. Although it may seem scary to get out of a routine that seems good for you, sometimes trying something new will really give you what you have always needed and wanted. If you are really struggling, please seek a professional to help you work through it. You are worth it and you deserve the best. Please share your stories of overcoming anxiety or if you are currently struggling, please comment below for a little cyber support.


This blog is my personal journey and I am not a licensed therapist. If you or a loved one is struggling with depression or anxiety please seek a professional for help.


Please don’t forget to “like” The Cleaning Eating Empath on Facebook


Hey Everybody, it’s my birthday month!!! Yes, “month” because I celebrate it all month long 🙂 I have been so busy with finishing up work for the summer, Mother’s Day, spring cleaning, life, etc. that I didn’t get a chance to blog on my actual birthday- May 6.

I turned 34 this year on Friday May 6 and I had a wonderful time with my mom and then was able to spend the weekend with family. I always felt that my birthday was a very special day and at my age,  I still do. I  get so excited and  look forward to it every year. There is always a lot going on  that time of year but it is wonderful to have a spring birthday. I noticed that on my way to meet my mom that I was already feeling down that my birthday only lasted one day and that before I knew it, it would be over! I was worried that I wouldn’t get enough cake, presents, “Happy Birthday” from strangers, go to the “right” restaurant, shop at the  “right” stores, etc.  It seems funny and silly to read that but it’s true. I was feeling major lack and my day hadn’t even started. You see, my family has always made that day so special for me.  Then I thought, why do I  only allow myself to feel special on May 6. Why can’t I do things for myself everyday?  Now, this doesn’t mean I  need to eat cake and ice cream everyday because then it doesn’t feel as special, does it? I started thinking that, in a sense, everyday could be my birthday if I treated myself as special as I felt on my actual birthday. After all, isn’t that what  I want the universe to bring to me and the energy I want to put out. I want to be special but I need to treat myself special everyday!!! I want to love myself and allow myself to do the things I really want to do. So, for starters, after my mom and I ate at a tea shop, I bought myself some expensive organic perfume.  I wanted it and she offered to buy it but for me, it was very symbolic of my new way of thinking. Then after our organic pedicures, we scheduled another round for the end of June,  I also picked out books I wanted even though I have millions. On Monday, I didn’t clean and I didn’t feel bad about it.  I went to a movie instead. During the movie, when some kids were talking behind me, Ha! I call them kids but they were early 20’s, I asked them to move to the front. Yeah, for standing up for myself. I really could get use to this treating myself special and I will! Everyday!  No more waiting until I have more money, the right job, the perfect flat belly, the laundry is all done and the chores because guess what?! It is never done. This is life right now and I don’t want to be turning 44 and be stressed out about how I never get to do what I want.

Of course life always seems to take me down paths that I didn’t expect or give me wonderful surprises. I haven’t been blogging much with food lately. I plan on writing more spiritual posts, life and family posts and soon get back into food and recipes. Please continue to follow me and let me know what you are up to in your life and what you plan to do for yourself. As for me, I plan on taking dance lessons, look into community theater, get a new career that is more supportive of the things that I love in life, take more risks, stand up for myself, practice EFT, spend time in nature, be reiki attuned, read more books, work on more projects (sewing), create new habits, spend more time with m y family and loved one and the list goes on..and on! What’s on your list?

Almond Butter S’more Bars- Gelatin Free

Almond Butter S'mores Bars

Almond Butter S’mores Bars

In honor of National S’mores Day, I am sharing a very delicious recipe with you! I actually have been wanting to make these S’more bars FOREVER and thought I might wait to blog about it in the fall. I saw that it was National S’mores Day and couldn’t really hold off much longer. The new grocery we have in town, has gelatin free marshmallows that are also Non-GMO! Could it get any better? YES because all of the ingredients I used were clean and these bars are every campers dream.


I know that not everyone has the time or space to enjoy an original s’more treat so this is perfect for you! I actually received a fire ring for my birthday this year so we have made s’mores a few times this summer. I grew up in the country so this bring back a lot of good childhood memories. These bars are perfect for picnics, parties, get togethers, back to school treats, etc. The list really goes on and on. I threw in a little twist by adding almond butter and…well…you just have to make them to understand!!!

Almond Butter S’more Bars
12 bars

1 stick of organic butter -melted and cooled
1/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup coconut sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 organic egg
3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 1/2 cups organic graham crackers-broken into small pieces
1 cup organic chocolate chips
1 cup gelatin free mini marshmallows

Line an 8 x 8 baking pan with aluminum foil and spray with organic olive oil or coconut oil. You will want to do this because the marshmallow is going to stick to the sides of the pan.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a pan with the melted and cooled butter, add almond butter, coconut sugar, vanilla extract and egg. Mix well.

Add whole wheat pastry flour. Mix until combined.

Add the chocolate chips, marshmallows and graham cracker pieces. Fold into the batter. 

S'mores bars ingredients

S’mores bars ingredients. Ready to fold together.

Pour the batter into the aluminum foil lined baking sheet. Smooth over with spatula.

S'mores bars batter

Batter smoothed and ready for oven!

Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the batter is baked through and the marshmallows are browned on the top.

S'mores bars

S’mores bars out of the oven!

Let cool for 15-20 minutes then cut into squares. Enjoy!!! 

S'mores bars

Almond Butter S’mores bars ready to eat!!!


There are signs everywhere

In the last few months, I have been getting clear signs about some messages that need to get through to me. Actually, they aren’t very clear signs but they are repetitive signs. This is what is so magical about life and the universe supporting us. Sometimes we ask for help or demand some answers but we have to pay attention to what is out there for us to see, hear, feel, etc. The messages that keep coming back to me are about family. First, I realized since I have had the summer off and I live far away from my family, how important they are to me. Well, I already knew that but it just made me see it all in a different way. Now, every show I watch, song I hear, book title I come across talks about the importance of family. I even had a family of kittens come to my home and I spoke with an animal communicator and she told me my house needed “family energy”. Ok, message received. I have also been getting messages to just let go and be. Just be. It came to me one morning when I was doing a session of EFT out on the back porch. It was so powerful. I thought that I have never allowed myself to just be. When I don’t have to do anything for anybody else, including myself. I get to just exist. I have been getting messages through books and talking to friends. Along with just being comes letting go. So, I have had to let go of a lot of control in my life. I am working on it. What kinds of signs have you been getting? I keep finding four leaf clovers everywhere so to me it’s just a little extra love from the universe. I don’t look for them but I seem to look down just in time to see them. I feel them calling out to me. Sometimes I pick them and sometimes I just leave them. I wait to hear the messages from the universe. Start to pay attention to repetitive messages that you are getting and what they might mean to you because there are signs everywhere!