Post Workout Protein Balls

Yes, I said Balls. I could have said bites but I said balls. Here is a wonderful treat to have after you workout to refuel your body. Check them out!


Protein Balls
1/2 cup rolled oats
1 scoop of your favorite protein powder (I used vanilla stevia sweetened organic grass fed hormone free whey)
1/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1 tbs organic coconut oil
1 tbs milled chia seed
1 tbs raw honey
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tbs cacao nibs

Mix all ingredients except cacao nibs in a food processor.

Add cacao nibs.

Roll into balls and then FREEZE! Makes 15-17

-Gluten Free Version-Look for gluten free oats (although some debate that they actually are gluten free) or replace with coconut flour.
-If the mixture isn’t rolling into ball form, place in fridge to solidify a little bit until they can be handled.
-You can try sugar free version by taking out the honey. I wanted it to be without sugar but the balls would not stick together.
-Switch to your favorite nut butter if almond doesn’t work for you.
-Don’t like cacao nibs? Use mini chocolate chips instead or raisins
-Vegan? Try using maple syrup or coconut nectar in place of the honey.


What’s for dinner?

I ask my preschool kids this everyday. I don’t know why. I suppose it’s just small talk like when you ask someone how they are doing. Sometimes you don’t hear the answer but it’s almost like you are saying “hey, how are ya?”. Anyway, their answers are always spaghetti. I can relate because sometimes after working as a preschool teacher by day and health counselor in the evening, I am pooped so I am looking to make something easy in the evening. Lord knows if I left it up to bf then it would be frozen pizza or oatmeal (sometimes it is). I really only have time to make new meals and experiment on the weekends. This year I decided to make a greater effort to share my love of food with everyone and finally all of the pieces are coming together so that I can do that. It’s slowly but surely coming along and….I love it. If I had to do one thing for the rest of my life, it would be to make food for people. I love to put ingredients together and create and for me, it’s all about the presentation. I love to celebrate holidays and have themed food to go along with the decor of a party. I love it all! Now, if my pesky jobs wouldn’t get in the way of that now. I am truly grateful to have a job that I love but I don’t want to do it forever. I would rather be in my kitchen with my apron, spatula and notebook experimenting much like a scientist with his beakers and lab coat. Yes, that’s me. Of course, I love to eat the food too. I suppose that would be the job I would pick, to be a professional food taster, then baker/cook/blogger would come in close second. So, what’s for dinner tonight? For me, frozen organic ravioli, salad with organic sprouts and steamed broccoli. Not too creative but easy, clean and still delicious. You gotta do what you gotta do when you are a hard working lady.
In other news…here is a picture of a cat (my baby. rescued feral. Leela aka Baby Lee)