Changing your diet

I am often asked about my lifestyle choices and diet. It is very hard to explain this to someone because we are all very unique as individuals so that makes for some interesting  dietary guidelines. Let’s start by discussing the word “diet”. When most people think of the word “diet” they think of being restricted or something that is taken away from them. It has had a very negative connotation for years. When I talk about diet, I simply mean my lifestyle or way in which I choose to live and eat. Some people may say their “diet” is vegetarian and others may say it is paleo. For me, I am not really fond of labels and, to be honest, I do not fit into one category of trending diet terms. It is because diet is more than what we eat. When I am coaching a client for my health and healing business, we talk about diet is everything that is in our life. It is the friendships we have, the family, our job, our play, etc. So, if one of these categories is depleted or lacks activity, your food diet is wonky and can be thrown off so you have to balance it. Sounds kind of far out? This is true though for many of us. Remember what it was like when you were in love for the first time? You didn’t even need as much sleep or felt like you didn’t have to eat. All of your areas were filled with…love, of course. So, if you are not in love with your job then you better believe that your food diet will be different than if you had a fulfilling career. We call this “primary food” because it is just as important as “secondary food” which is actually food. I have experimented with my diet for many years and it is forever changing. This use to frustrate me because I wanted it to be consistent. As soon as I learned that something worked for me, I was excited and felt great and then it would change. That is because we are always changing as humans. For me, it was for the better so I was able to get rid of some things that no longer suited my life. When I started becoming healthier in other areas in my life, I realized I had no need for caffeine or sugar or soda, etc. I craved other things to make me feel good. I love water, fresh fruit and veggies, greens, etc. I will share more about my personal diet as time goes on but for now I wanted to share with you a way in which you can gain knowledge if you are struggling on what choices to make for you. First of all, if you need help please contact a health coach to guide you along the way. I am currently taking clients and love to help. You can fill out a form so we can have a free consultation at Health and healing coaches are a wonderful tool to use until you can gain more knowledge to work on your own. There is a lot of information out there and it can be very confusing and frustrating for someone who is just starting out. Also, I recommend some books that have helped me to learn how to eat clean and balanced.
Constant Craving by Doreen Virtue
Integrative Nutrition by Joshua Rosenthal
Angel Detox by Doreen Virtue & Robert Reeves, N.D.
Loving Yourself to Great Healthy by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro, Heather Dane

No matter what diet you choose for yourself or what you are guided to do, always remember to love yourself in the process. A lot of change occurs when we start to make decisions that impact our lives and a lot of love needs to be involved to be able to make an easy transition. You can do it!

Easy Caprese

Ooooh Caprese Salad is one of my favorite summer dishes and I have been making it for years. I use to grow my own basil for it and thought that made me a regular Martha Stewart until I saw what basil was actually suppose to look like at a local market. It made my basil look so puny. I still enjoyed making it and, of course, eating my Caprese. For this recipe, I used basil infused olive oil that I purchases at a local shop called The Olive Leaf. I also am using a vinegar made by a local artisan. As well as local grown cucumbers that have not been sprayed with pesticides. I LOVE putting together a meal with little details that I appreciate such as local and organic!

I know that in the summer my body craves fresh fruit and vegetables but I also need protein to keep me full and grounded. Trust me, you are going to want to try it!


serves 4-6
10 oz  organic grape tomatoes
2 small organic cucumbers
fresh mozzarella- rbst free
2 tbs of basil olive oil
1 tbs of flavored vinegar (I used tart cherry)
1/2 tsp of Himalayan sea salt
1/2 tsp of black pepper

Caprese Salad Ingredients

Caprese Salad Ingredients

Cut the grape tomatoes in half and cut the cucumbers into bite sizes. Tear the mozzarella with your hands. Place all of the ingredients into the bowl. Toss the salad and season to your preference.

You can eat this salad immediately after making it but I prefer to let it sit overnight or at least for a few hours in the refrigerator. This helps the flavors to come together.


Keeping my feet on the ground

Wow! What a busy summer already. I cannot believe it is the middle of June already. Last night I decided to have a fire in the back yard. I was really looking forward to doing some of the things that “feel like summer” but it has just been too hot. Indiana has been hit with a heat wave in the last week. Well, it was nice to sit out back and enjoy nature after it had cooled off a bit. I did find myself somewhat bored after I got done eating my chicken hot dog and fresh veggies. I was thinking to myself that I always want to be outside because it is so nice in the evening but I have developed a love for Netflix like no other. I reminded myself that although it felt somewhat boring or even uncomfortable to be outside and away from my babies (favorite tv shows. I’m into 2 new series by the way) that I needed to do this for myself. I love hearing the wind in the leaves, seeing the firework display of lightning bugs and smelling the fresh air. I know I love all of these things but why is it so hard for me, at times, to do what I love? Nature has played a big part in keeping me grounded through out my spiritual journey. I want to remind you how magical nature can be and how it can really cleanse your spirit. I spent about 3 hours outside last night and even 2 hours outside meditating/praying this morning. I most certainly needed it. You see, if I get too far away from my spiritual practices, that is when I start to have more panic, anxiety, worries and I just don’t feel like myself. Empaths need to stay grounded and although everyone has their own practice, nature has been the easiest one for me. Sometimes yoga and meditation seem to “new age” for me or I just can’t quite get myself to do them. I get really frustrated with the whole process. Nature accepts me right away 100% of the time AND it’s free and everywhere.

If you want to know some good techniques for staying grounded, please try some of the following.

*NATURE- sit outside, go for a walk, incorporate plants into your home, step in the grass/sand/water barefoot or even get a nature sounds CD to listen to while working.

*EAT CLEAN- be sure to check your labels for chemicals because this can really throw your body for a loop. Eating healthy proteins and drinking fresh water can help keep your mind clear and sharp.

*EXERCISE-when your body gets exercise it allows you to cycle out thoughts and emotions that do not belong to you. You are able to get your blood pumping and release negative energy without even realizing you have it. You will sleep better and be in a better mood.

*SLEEP- getting a good amount of sleep keeps everything in balance. You deserve to rest your precious body.

*SCHEDULE/ROUTINE- this is so important because your body remembers and recognizes your patterns. Too many extremes in your life can cause your body to go into alert mode and this can start to cause health issues to develop.

*ANIMALS- what would I do without my cats? Animals have a wonderful way of helping us let go of negative energy. I always say that my cats are like a “reset” button for me. They can help you to see life in a new light by bringing you joy when you didn’t think it was possible. Trust me they can work miracles. If you have time, check out studies online of how animals benefit our health.

*SPIRITUAL PRACTICE- Whether you do yoga, pray, meditate, communicate with angels, this can keep you grounded because you are connecting with spirit(or whatever name you give to your creator). Connecting with spirit and yourself can help you come to realizations and have inspired ideas. To me, it is like looking for your car in the sea of cars at a shopping mall. You feel panic and loss in the moment when you are desperately scanning the aisles looking for your car but when you see it…Awww an instant realization that, no. nobody stole your precious set of wheels, and it is comfort and joy just like the day you brought that baby home from the dealer. So, staying connected keeps you from those feelings of loss and desperation.

Now, some people use stones/crystals, angel cards, writing and journaling, etc. to keep themselves grounded. These are all good things. If it works for you then that is awesome. Listen, I don’t judge. You wouldn’t believe some of the things I did when I was trying to learn and understand what it meant to  be an empath and how I needed to shield myself from other people energetically. Name it and I guarantee I tried it. Luckily, I have found what works for me and I hope you have something that works for you. If you would like to leave a comment below of some of the ways that you stay grounded, please do. I love love love hearing from you!




Hello! My name is Brianne and I am an empath. I have been wanting to do this blog for some time but as we all know, life unfolds at the perfect time, even if it seems like it is a long time. So, this is finally my time. I am ready to share with you all of the wonderful things I know about what it means to be an empath. I knew that I wanted to do a food blog but I was bothered by the amount of food blogs that were out there. “What is going to make mine unique”, I pondered. I figured what was the point of having a food blog when there are millions of others out there. Well, after some soul searching I realized that food is my passion. I love to cook, bake, eat, read cook books, try different foods, think of recipes,etc. So, no matter if there were other food blogs out there or even food blogs about health and cleaning eating, I am going to write abouwhat I love. My blog is going to be a fun adventure. I want to share recipes, tips, spiritual practices, diet and health information and random tidbits about my life as an empath. If you have been struggling to learn and accept yourself as an empath or just want to be with a like minded person, then this is the place for you. Heck, if you just like to cook/bake and learn new things then please come along. Everyone is welcome here at The Clean Eating Empath.

Well, let’s start by defining some terms! Note: each term has a broad definition that may not mean the same to everyone. These definitions are what I believe the terms mean for me and my blog.

CLEAN EATING-being mindful of the food that we put into out bodies. Eating foods that do not contain anything artificial or any chemicals. Fresh and natural foods are the main focus. Usually foods or recipes in which nothing is added to the food from its natural state or nothing is taken away to diminish the foods nutritional value.

For my blog, I focus on organic, hormone and antibiotic free, no chemicals, non GMO, no artificial colors or flavors.

EMPATH- a highly sensitive person, usually effected by or feeling others energy, intuitively feeling others emotions and perceptions of the world around them. Empaths can feel on different levels, some more extreme than others.

Want to learn more about being an empath? Please check out