Early Spring Clean-Tips on organizing your life and mind

Last week I was feeling a very big block when it came to blogging and even cooking/baking/creating anything for my blog. I just felt that there was so much “stuff” around my house and in my mind. I decided to put out the intention that I would start to declutter and organize my home and my life. I started early in the week and started small. I grabbed a bunch of bags that had taken over my closet and started to go through mail and receipts (the worst of all the cleaning in my opinion) and it snowballed from there. An important piece of advice is to balance your day if you are cleaning. Sometimes I start to clean and fill boxes to donate and then I go to another room and start and hours later I am frustrated and exhausted.Here are some tips on getting the clutter out of your home and out of your mind! If you are a sensitive person/empath or get easily overwhelmed, it is good to practice organization and simplicity. Your mind is free and clear to focus on the fun and creative part we love about life. We can then feel at peace and move forward instead of getting bogged down and depressed at this time of the year when the sun doesn’t show as much as we would like it.


1. Start with a list or plan for removing items from your home,car,garage,office, etc. 
Empaths tend to get overly ambitious and then exhausted and overwhelmed before anything has been started. Making a list is a way to take action, put out intention and have a game plan ready when you have the time to start your cleaning.

2. Keep your day balanced. 
Although many of us tend to be pressed for time with a job all week and only 2 short days on the weekend, be sure to take the time to remove yourself from your cleaning/organizing process by taking a walk to clear your mind or leaving your cleaning space to return to it later.

3. Start small. 
I know that my fellow empaths like to be over the top and get it all done swiftly and with precision, which can be done, but we often wear ourselves out too quickly. Then the next time we are needing to clean, we remember how the previous cleaning session felt and aren’t motivated at all. We even cringe thinking of it. Start in one room, a closet maybe, and work from there. If you are like me and like to see clean space immediately, take bags and boxes and remove the items that need to be sorted through and take them to a larger room. One messy room to be sorted is better than 5. Do what you can for the day. It’s ok to take several weeks to work on your project.

4. Look into organizing books at the library and online.
There are many ideas for organizing your home and spaces that are specific to you. Choose what book or photo works best for you and use that as a visual for the outcome. I like to pile everything into a box, clothes hamper or bags and move it into one room. Then when my space is cleared, I can think easier and see progress. I can then decide where I want to rearrange items according to how I use them and when I might need them.

5. Have Fun!
Louise Hay talks about how sometimes when we get into the cleaning of our lives, it feels so messy and tends to get messier but when it is all done, the result is peaceful and wonderful. Listen to music or inspirational audio book while working, order food from your favorite restaurant to be delivered, buy a new item after your finished to add to your new way of life. Celebrate that you are making wonderful changes for your home and for your mind! I bought a new lamp that was much needed to sit on the table in my kitchen.

You can do this! You will feel so much better getting ready of old energy. If you are inspired by the weather like I was, then go with it. Or if you are just wanting a change in your life, it can be done. We finished the weekend with several large boxes taken to Salvation Army and the house felt so light when we returned. I had taken everything out of the kitchen and steam mopped, cleaned all of the cat mats and bowls and it was lovely. Now, I still have many more boxes to go through but just taking that little step has freed me up for more playful thoughts and actions.

Need more support? Call a friend to hang with your and help you donate boxes of old items. You can release the old energy together. Try using some positive affirmations if you are wanting to hold onto old items that you really don’t need. The universe will hear you!
-“I am willing to let go of the past.”
-“I happily release the things that I no longer need” (so that others may benefit from them)
-“I only keep the things that are good for me.”
-“I let go of the old to welcome new wonderful things into my life.”

Let me know how your spring cleaning goes and what items you find yourself having a hard time letting go of when donating. I had a rough time letting go of this old,way too small, fleece pullover. It was gross and I hadn’t worn it all year. It’s long gone now and although thoughts popped up today about how I could possibly still run to the donation center and rummage through the boxes to find it, I stopped myself and remembered this is all for my highest good.