Hey Everybody, it’s my birthday month!!! Yes, “month” because I celebrate it all month long 🙂 I have been so busy with finishing up work for the summer, Mother’s Day, spring cleaning, life, etc. that I didn’t get a chance to blog on my actual birthday- May 6.

I turned 34 this year on Friday May 6 and I had a wonderful time with my mom and then was able to spend the weekend with family. I always felt that my birthday was a very special day and at my age,  I still do. I  get so excited and  look forward to it every year. There is always a lot going on  that time of year but it is wonderful to have a spring birthday. I noticed that on my way to meet my mom that I was already feeling down that my birthday only lasted one day and that before I knew it, it would be over! I was worried that I wouldn’t get enough cake, presents, “Happy Birthday” from strangers, go to the “right” restaurant, shop at the  “right” stores, etc.  It seems funny and silly to read that but it’s true. I was feeling major lack and my day hadn’t even started. You see, my family has always made that day so special for me.  Then I thought, why do I  only allow myself to feel special on May 6. Why can’t I do things for myself everyday?  Now, this doesn’t mean I  need to eat cake and ice cream everyday because then it doesn’t feel as special, does it? I started thinking that, in a sense, everyday could be my birthday if I treated myself as special as I felt on my actual birthday. After all, isn’t that what  I want the universe to bring to me and the energy I want to put out. I want to be special but I need to treat myself special everyday!!! I want to love myself and allow myself to do the things I really want to do. So, for starters, after my mom and I ate at a tea shop, I bought myself some expensive organic perfume.  I wanted it and she offered to buy it but for me, it was very symbolic of my new way of thinking. Then after our organic pedicures, we scheduled another round for the end of June,  I also picked out books I wanted even though I have millions. On Monday, I didn’t clean and I didn’t feel bad about it.  I went to a movie instead. During the movie, when some kids were talking behind me, Ha! I call them kids but they were early 20’s, I asked them to move to the front. Yeah, for standing up for myself. I really could get use to this treating myself special and I will! Everyday!  No more waiting until I have more money, the right job, the perfect flat belly, the laundry is all done and the chores because guess what?! It is never done. This is life right now and I don’t want to be turning 44 and be stressed out about how I never get to do what I want.

Of course life always seems to take me down paths that I didn’t expect or give me wonderful surprises. I haven’t been blogging much with food lately. I plan on writing more spiritual posts, life and family posts and soon get back into food and recipes. Please continue to follow me and let me know what you are up to in your life and what you plan to do for yourself. As for me, I plan on taking dance lessons, look into community theater, get a new career that is more supportive of the things that I love in life, take more risks, stand up for myself, practice EFT, spend time in nature, be reiki attuned, read more books, work on more projects (sewing), create new habits, spend more time with m y family and loved one and the list goes on..and on! What’s on your list?